Wednesday, November 18, 2015

11. Reflection

We didn't have too much discussion in class this past week but I really liked the Potato Piano Mayank put together. That was really cool. I wished the application had incorporated more keys into the piano though so that we could make music with more than 4 notes. But nevertheless, I think it is so amazing to experience how our body can conduct electricity and complete electronic circuits without us feeling anything flowing through (except when one gets electrocuted). Seemingly, nothing is happening, but in actuality, the current is flowing.

I would have liked to have tried making something with the Lilipad and conductive thread but I really wanted to finish the movie review I had been putting off for such a long time. Perhaps I might pick that up in the last two classes we have but we shall see. I am planning on finishing the last movie review and one more project. Quite excited to do them but I'm a big procrastinator right now since it's the end of the semester. I'll have to find some motivation through Shia LaBeouf's "Just Do It" video.

A more intense version:

No readings this week! Woo!


Has anyone watched The Martian yet? If you haven't you should watch it before reading on but I'll try not to spoil it for you. If you have, highlight the paragraph below to read my thoughts about it.

I just watched it this past week! It was awesome! Don't you just think "Maker" when you watched how Matt Damon created his own little green house and grew his own potatoes on Mars? So resourceful! First he needed food, so he counted how much he had. It was not enough so he needed to grow food and he found food that he could grow. Then he needed a place to grow it so he built his own greenhouse out of the station he had and used extremely natural fertilizer. Then he needed water, so he made water! Simply amazing! I don't know if this would ever fly on Mars today but it sure is a very interesting and plausible experiment I think NASA should try (if they haven't already. Lol.)

I saw this MIT research on Facebook and thought it is exactly what Adidas is doing to with bacteria too in The Next Black documentary:


  1. Hey Liz, I watched Martian two weeks ago and yes, it was so amazing by simply watching the hurricane on Mars! Even though it's not 100% scientific(you can never seal the door of a spaceship with a plastic sheet), I was impressed by Mart Damon's imagination and creativity....and tough faith of course...I don't think it's an enjoyable work to eat potatoes for months...

  2. I share your frustration with the Potato Piano! As a hobbyist pianist, it was a challenge to see the picture of the piano on the screen in front of me but not be able to make use of many of the white keys and none of the black keys. I wonder how we could hack this system to make sharps and flats a reality.
