Tuesday, October 27, 2015

8. Reflection

Our creativity warm up of the mummy hand was fun. Growing up in Malaysia where Halloween was not celebrated, I never had the exposure or opportunity to make these kinds of things. It was interesting how we had to wrap the tape around the curves of the hand and try not to get the fingers stuck together on the first round of tape. I think making the Star Trek hand would have been very cool and interesting to make sure the hand sign is obviously visible.

From Kristin's blog post, I definitely agree that it would be super cool to have a State Fair type rather than a Science Fair. When I think Science Fair, I think of an indoor hall with small tables showing off cool gadgets and science experiments. But with a State Fair, I think it definitely makes room for a whole lot more other stuff. It could be a small booth or it could be as big as a small farm animal pen to show off the stuff that was made. Because sometimes you just need that kind of space to really showcase your stuff. It wouldn't be contained to a small table where a crowd has to maneuver around. So I definitely think a state fair is way more appropriate for STEAM. The reading on the World's Columbian Exhibition also describes the State Fair very well and complements this idea for the Maker movement.


We're halfway through the semester and many times I am just checking FB or watching YouTube and I just come across some pretty cool Maker stuff that I'd like to share with the class. The problem is I'm not sure when or how to share it cause in class we have an agenda to go through and I've sent out a couple of emails before but I don't want to spam everyone. So here is a little column, I guess you could call it, where I will share some cool stuff I stumbled upon. Hopefully, it would also provide more content for other classmates to comment on for your 300 points! ;)

Today I found this video on YT of a guy on TEDxSydney 2014 who made a clarinet out of a carrot! Amazing! It sounds great too!

Check it out: https://youtu.be/BISrGwN-yH4


  1. How interesting! I have the exact same feeling as you about the mummy hands. Since Halloween is not celebrated in China either(some amusement parks trying to encourage people by Halloween parade, but it's more like a wisecrack rather than a real festival), I felt extremely excited to make those mummy hands. Unfortunately, I broke mine and could not place it on my shelve. I think you did a wonderful job on that. So show it off to friends.

  2. Liz, it's been really interesting to me to hear you and Andong weigh in on Halloween as people who are relatively new to it. I've never actually seen anyone else do something like the tape-wrapped hand for Halloween (and I've lived in the US my whole life), so I wondered how those raised outside this culture would react to it. It seemed like you were having a good time the day of with Alyssa, and I'm glad our Halloween activity didn't weird you out too much!
