Tuesday, December 1, 2015

#44 Compose and create an mp3 of a song using Garage Band and LittleBits KORG

Check it out!

My video for the #44 Compose and create an mp3 of a song using Garage Band and LittleBits KORG task is done!

Here's the YT link: https://youtu.be/xskMEwGNyQg

The song I chose to play is the tune of "Rain, Rain, Go Away".

Instruments used:
LittleBits KORG Guitar Kit
Drummer iPad App
Big Baby Taylor Acoustic Guitar

Recorded and Compiled with Garageband & Final Cut Pro X

I apologize in advance if the song gets stuck in your head and you go crazy for the rest of the week. *Insert evil laughter* But I decided on this tune based on the tools that I had. Mainly, the LittleBits KORG Guitar had enough keys to play an entire octave. It is possible to play more than an octave by tweaking the octave or pitch dial. However, once you switch octaves or pitches it would be quite difficult to switch back to the original octave or pitch while recording a song because there is no indicator that tells you what pitch you're at. So to simplify it, I choose a song that could be played within an octave and did not exceed that. Based on this limitation, nursery rhymes came to mind as the perfect music to play and record. They are short, sweet, mostly within an octave, and extremely easy to learn and play.

I also originally considered incorporating the theremin into this jam session but I realized that the song would be overwhelmed with too many leading instruments and not enough supporting or complementary instruments. And I wouldn't be able to fit the theremin section (fifth) into the video symmetrically. That would have really bothered me.

Also, I don't have perfect pitch and had to figure out the chords to the random LittleBits pitches by ear. So in the second and third variations, I was quite off with my acoustic guitar and keyboard. But it was close enough for me as I could not perfect it in the limited time. So I apologize to those with pitch perfect hearing!

With that said, enjoy the video. If you really love the song and wish to download it and put it on repeat for your listening pleasure, here is the MP3:

1 comment:

  1. OMG!!! This song is so brain-washing that I can't help looping and looping again,LOL... You seems so serious while playing while I can't stop laughing watching your performance . Anyway, really impressed by the mixing style( four screens) and wondering maybe next time you could sing as well? LOL, thanks for sharing!
